Tankerton F.C. Fun Day & Trophies Presentation 2022
The Club held its annual end-of-season Fun Day at Seaview on Sunday 26 th June, which included the presentation of trophies to team members and to coaches and other volunteer helpers.
Refreshments were available and players and parents were able to take part in several attractions including the popular “Barrel of Booze”, Bouncy Castle, Speed-gun challenge and “Football Dartboard”. Club merchandise was available to buy and the “boot-room” was open.
Chairman's Welcome
The Club Chairman, Dave McGovarin, welcomed everyone to the Fun Day, saying how good it was to see so many people attending, after the disruption of the past couple of years.
Dave went on to list some of the Club’s successes over the past year:
- A second Under 9s team entered the Faversham League in January
- The Youth Council restarted under the guidance of Garry Tremain
- The formation of weekly adult pan-disability training sessions. The Club are exploring the possibility of the team joining the Kent Disability League next season
- The Club has been running ‘Kicks for Kicks’ sessions on Monday evenings for disabled children aged between 5 and 16
- Thanks to hard work from Dean Gonsalves, the Club will be entering a new Under 12s Girls team in the Kent Girls’ and Ladies’ League next season
- There has been significant progress in development of the land that will become the Club’s new ground
Dave McGovarin then gave a note of thanks to the following:
- All the players, parents and carers for continuing to make the Club the success that it is and, particularly, for everyone’s patience over the past two years
- All the coaches/managers/assistants who give up their time to provide a fun environment for the players to thrive and develop
- The members of the Executive Committee (Ricky Martin, Garry Tremain, Sam Petre, Dean Gonsalves, Phil Barton & Terry Whyte) for all the time they give to ensure the Club runs smoothly and compliantly
- The Club’s Trustees (headed up by Tim Elgar) for the support they give
- Iggy Tapsell for arranging referees and for coordinating with opposition teams for Sunday matches
- Terry Whyte who is solely responsible for maintaining the pitches at Seaview
- The Club’s many sponsors who generously pay for kit for the teams
- The volunteers who have manned the stalls today
2021-2022 Season Review
The Club had 17 teams playing in 5 different leagues
Faversham & District Youth League
- Under 9s – Under 11s - All teams performed well in the non-published age groups and have seen a growth in numbers
- Under 12s – Competitive in the top division, they were losing finalists in the Trophy cup competition
- Under 15s – finished 3 rd in the league
Kent Girls & Ladies League
- Girls Under 18s – Division 2 champions
The Ladies’ team has seen a steady increase in numbers
Kent County League
- Men’s Team – finished 4th in Division 3 and gained promotion to Division 2
East Kent Youth League
- Under 13s – held their own in Division 1, finishing mid-table
- Under 14s – having been promoted last season, finished runners-up in Division 2 with just one league defeat all season
- Under 15s – Having been promoted last season, finished mid-table in Division 2
- Under 16s – Newly-reformed team who finished second in Division 3
- Under 18s – Struggled a little in Division 1 but will come back stronger next season with the addition of several new players
- Under 18s Colts – Newly-formed team finished runners-up in Seniors’ Division 4
Trophy Winners
Dave McGovarin then announced the winners of the following trophies:
Chairman’s Special Award – DETLEF HOFMANN, PAUL KINGSTON & GARRY TREMAIN and the Under 16s team.
Det, Paul and Garry coached the U16s to an amazing season in Division 3 of the East Kent Youth League, losing just two league matches and finishing as runners-up, narrowly missing out as champions. The trophy was presented to the coaches who were then joined by members of the team who were presented with league runners-up medals and the league runners-up plaque.
Coach of the Year – PHIL CALDWELL
Phil coaches a squad of 26 Under 15s, split over two teams with one playing in the Faversham & District League on Saturdays and the other playing in the East Kent Youth League on Sundays. Both teams have had excellent seasons and the Club recognises Phil’s dedication.
Special mention was also made of Ian French & Dan Piper (Under 14s) and Rachel Golding & Dean Gonsalves (Under 18s Girls) whose coaching resulted in excellent seasons for their respective teams.
Adam Bowey Special Recognition Award – VANESSA OAKES
Vanessa has been instrumental in setting up the Club’s Pan-Disability Adults’ team and in securing a significant amount of money in grants to support the team. Vanessa has also set up and runs the sessions for disabled children.
Team Photos
Under 9s Colts with their trophies
Under 9s with their trophies
Under 10s Colts with their trophies
Under 11s Lions with their trophies
Under 11s Tigers with their trophies
Under 12s with their trophies
Under 13s with their trophies
Under 14s with their trophies
Under 15s with coaches and Coach of the Year trophy